Friday, October 1, 2010

Taslima Nasrin- a Bengali Ex-Doctor Changed Over To A Known Author.

 Women's Dritish Open Golf Tournament Gone were those days, when women were considered to be the weaker section of the society. Sacrifice was the trait reserved for ladies throughout their lives. Whether it was their unmarried life or married one, they were always expected to kill their thoughts and desires for others. But to all this, now we have some bold and strong ladies amongst us. Taslima Nasrin is one of them, who with her feminist views have always tried to raise her voice against criticism and injustice to either defects of our society. May it be women exploitation or religion disputes, she has always supported for secular humanism, equality for women, freedom of thought and human rights. Campaigning, lecturing and publishing are her foremost fighting tools.

Born in 1962 at Mymensingh, she was brought up in a qualified background, with father as a physician and mother, a devout Muslim. She graduated from Dhaka University and got her MBBS degree in 1984; along with this, she bestowed her propensity for poetry by writing and editing a journal for the same.

Being so devoted to the women welfare, she in her earlier career stages, routinely examined a lot of young girls who got raped and became a support to those women crying in delivery room who gave birth to girl child. In all this, her writing skills helped her a lot and soon she became globally renowned.

Although her magazines and poetry were not about Islam, but still she got several death threats from Islamic fundamentalists, and was then expulsed from India in 2008. She is currently residing in Sweden and is working as a research scholar at New York University. With so much already done for the welfare of struggling segment of a society and for women welfare, she has pledged her body after her death to a Kolkata based NGO and is even dying to return back to her country.

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